
Tanjong Malim, 29 September – Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and the Perak Islamic Council and Malay Customs (MAIPk) will be collaborating in improving the wakaf system in Perak.

According to Deputy Vice Chancellor in Research and International Affairs, Professor Dato’ Dr Noraini Idris, the collaboration will have UPSI acting as the consultant and will be helping MAIPk in its survey and research for the potential of wakaf funding in the state.

“Based on a study entitled ‘Potensi Kutipan Zakat di Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan’ we have identified prospect and potential gross of the wakaf fund and simultaneously identified a demographic of contributes that have been saturating the system so that the method of promoting could be streamlined and focused,” he commented during the Memorandum of Agreement Signing ceremony (MoA) which was held in Main Meeting Room, Chancellory.

He also added that the MAIPk handed a research fund worth RM300,000 to UPSI .

The Memorandum of Agreement, which will expire in two years, was signed by Prof Datuk Dr Noraini Idris and Chief Executive Officer of MAIPk, Dr Amiruddin Muhamed and was witnessed by the Manager of Marketing Operation and Revenue Collection Department, Ahmad Nazim Hj Md Tajuri and Director of Research and Innovation Centre, Prof. Madya Dr Tajul Shuhaizam Said.

By epena

e-PENA, Gapura Media UPSI

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