UPSI, 6 FebruaryUniversiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris launches the Al-Mursyidin Wakaf Fund for the construction of the Bitara Hut and Academic Complex to aid as a new medium to further spread news of charity related events to its residents.

The Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Mohd Zahid Mohd Noordin stated that wakaf mechanism is part of a move to further uphold the role wakaf plays in the education institutions in the country.

“The objective of the foundation of the Bitara Hut is to create an institution where lifelong learning serves as the core to develop a well-off, dynamic and progressive generation which will invariably serve as a great convenience to the people, specifically the people of Perak as the aforementioned state will serve as a hub for lifelong learning.”

“The foundation of “Akademik Pendidikan UPSI” will serve as a school in the development of good character in a learning environment where research will serve as its core culture as the development of a model school committed to the best teaching and learning practice that are both systematic  futuristic should start from the primary to the secondary school level,” he elaborated during the Al-Mursyidin Wakaf Fund and “Meraikan Penyumbang Zakat” launching ceremony that was held at the SITC Hall.

He also added that the fund was the latest innovation in the University’s effort to gain alternative income for the development of Study Centers in the university. Construction is slated to begin in 2020.

“The effort is also in line with the Government’s resolution to uphold the role both wakaf and endowments to garner the university’s finances. The university would also like to thank the Perak Islamic Religious Council and Malay Customs under the leader of His Honourable. Dato’ Dr. Amiruddin who is more than happy to appoint UPSI as the first Mutawalli wakaf university in Perak,” he said.

During the event, UPSI also received a dowry from Bank Islam Malaysia totalling RM 80,000.00 and the first wakaf contribution from the family of Hj. Abdul Latif Abu Bakar totalling RM35,000.00.


By epena

e-PENA, Gapura Media UPSI