UPSI – A total of 14 University Ambassadors that consists of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Arau Perlis and UPSI joined the Integrated Leadership Program University Ambassador UiTM-UPSI hosted by University Community Transformation Centre (UCTC) and UiTM.

This collaboration program was held for the first time in order to hone leadership skills and the University Ambassadors’ program implementation procedure that was mutually appointed by both universities.

Project Director, Muhammad Norfadhli said, the program that was held for 2 days and 1 night aims to expose the university ambassadors the importance of planning before, during and after a program for it to succeed.

“Besides, this program also aims to provide opportunities to every university ambassadors to exchange ideas and opinions in the implementation of existing programs or those to be planned,” he said.

He added, one of the programs that were implemented were the project presentation session that was held on the quarter year of 2017 until 2018, review sessions to one of the UPSI University Ambassador program which is the Ultimate Tuition program, gotong-royong at Masjid Al Hidayah Bandar Behrang 2020, a trip to the National Education Museum, and a brainstorming session with the UPSI Student Representative Council.

“The appointed university ambassador would also be made to be a collaboration from the community and the university as an initiative and a continuous effort in enabling to plan a program that impacts every parties. The “Cemerlang Bersama”, the famous tagline UPSI introduced can be translated through this program. Hence, raising the university’s reputation to an even higher level,”.

“This collaboration is a paradigm shift in making a move as a strong and credible team,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Hairy Ibrahim as the Deputy Director of UCTC also stated that he is proud of the organization of such collaborative programmes like this and further cooperation will be accompanied by high-impact programmes through the cooperation between UPSI and UiTM together with community and industry network.

#cemerlangbersama #upsibest #UPSIMalaysia#soaringupwards#pioneeringversatility #upsino1pendidikan

UPSI, Universiti No.1 Pendidikan | UPSI, No.1 Education University


By epena

e-PENA, Gapura Media UPSI