text: Nik Kamil Hazim Nik Kamaruzzaman (Corporate Communication Division UPSI Interns)

UPSI, 30 Mac ­­­ – The Corporate Communication Division (BKK), University Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) today conducted the Qalbu@BKK or ‘Wednesday for Qalbu’ program which was held to further strengthen the relationship among UPSI staff.

UPSI’s current vice counselor, Professor Datuk Dr. Md. Amin Md. Taff introduced this program to encourage university staff in each department to fill their time with the beneficial program thus, strengthening their bonds as a family in this institution.

The program conducted today takes place in Corporate Communications Division office 1, aims to celebrate the promotion of a staff member Mr. Azri, who has moved to the ICT center, and held a farewell ceremony to appreciate his services that have long served in the Corporate Communications Division.

This ceremony began with a Yassin recitation led by Mr. Nurulakram then continued with a speech of appreciation from Datin Noorhayati as the assistant registrar. The ceremony then continued with the presentation of prizes as a token of gratitude for Mr. Azri’s service during his time in this unit. Video screening was held during the ceremony which included pictures of him with the Corporate Communication Division team during the course at UPSI

The ceremony was concluded with a farewell speech from Mr. Azri who stated that he appreciated all the efforts made to appreciate his services and hoped that his relationship with his colleagues in the Corporate Communications Division could last even though he was no longer in the same office.

This ceremony ended with a small banquet at 12 noon

By Mohd Nazirul Afiq Ismail

Unit Media, Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Pengarang e-Pena, mantan wartawan berita & rencana Mega Sains Utusan Melayu Malaysia Berhad, wartawan majalah Mastika, URTV, Infiniti. Ghost writer, suka travel dan suka taugeh. Jom menulis untuk e-Pena emelkan ke nazirul.ismail@upsi.edu.my